Diocese of Toronto St. Margaret home

Petition to Reject the Teedon Gravel Pit Permit

wetlandsConcerned Citizens of Tiny Township and Springwater Township started a petition to Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change asking them to protect the water source for the Alliston Aquifer by denying the application by CRH Inc. (Dufferin Aggregates) for renewal of the Teedon Gravel Pit permit to take water from a site in the Waverly Uplands known locally as French Hill. This area is a critical groundwater recharge area and granting this permit will endanger water quality and quantity in local aquifers.

Rev. Simon asks us to be aware of this protest and support it by signing the petitions at change.org or on the Council of Canadians website.

The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein. Psalm 24:1